KK Tanglin’s Nicotine Addiction
Management Toolkit

Well done for recruiting a client for smoking cessation


(if client uses both, choose the most frequently used product)

For counselling methods, click the button below.

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Assessment for clients who smoke Cigarettes / Heated Tobacco Products

Fagerstrom Test

Daily Nicotine Intake

Stage of Change

Ensure all the three components above are filled correctly

Suggested Treatment Plan A

Suggested Treatment Plan B

Suggested Treatment Plan C

Suggested Treatment Plan D

Suggested Treatment Plan E

Suggested Treatment Plan F

Suggested Treatment Plan G

Suggested Treatment Plan H

Suggested Treatment Plan I

Suggested Treatment Plan J

Suggested Treatment Plan K


Pre-Contemplation / Contemplation Stage
  1. Relevance - Why will quitting benefit you?
  2. Risks - Is smoking harmful to you?
  3. Rewards - What are the benefits of quitting? (health, money, stamina)
  4. Roadblocks - What is preventing you from quitting?
  5. Repetition - Repeat motivation next visit

Preparation / Action Stage
  1. Reinforce the benefits of quitting
  2. Tell about medication options: NRT and non-NRT
    1. Duration of treatment 12 weeks
    2. High chances of quitting with medication
  3. Set: quit date
  4. Tell: Family members, friends & co-workers
  5. Anticipate:
    1. challenges & triggers
    2. withdrawal symptoms and how to overcome them
  6. Remove: get rid of tobacco related products (lighter, ashtray)


How soon after you wake up do you smoke your first cigarette?


Do yo find it difficult not to smoke in places where you shoul not smoke, such as in church, school, cinema, library, bus or in a hospital?


Which cigarette would you most hate to give up ?


How many cigarette do you smoke every day?


Do you smoke more during the first few hours after waking up, or during the rest of the day?


Do you still smoke if you are sick or ill that you are in bed most of the day?


Fagerstrom Test Result


How soon after you wake up do you take your first vape?


Do yo find it difficult not to vape in places where you should not vape, such as in church, school, cinema, library, bus or in a hospital?


Which vape would you most hate to give up?


How many times in a day do you vape?


Do you vape more during the first few hours after waking up, or during the rest of the day?


Do you still vape if you are sick or ill that you are in bed most of the day?


Fagerstrom Test Result



Stage of Change


Choose client's stage of change